I have finally decided to start a blog to hold my memories of Hanson concerts I attend.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

It started at a bus stop..

Well, not really. I have been a Hanson fan ever since 1997 but I was not able to attend my first concert until August 22, 2000. The concert was in Atlanta, Georgia and held at The Tabernacle. Although it is now 2010, I still remember a great deal about that concert. I remember I had a dentist appointment that day, and my mom had the dentist write me a note saying I was there for a longer amount of time than I really was so school would count my absence as excused. Once I got out of the dentist, we went to be with my sister for one of her doctor appointments (she was pregnant at this time, but only in the first trimester). I don't really remember much else about before arriving, except that the reason for my dentist appointment was to get my braces tightened. When my mom and I finally arrived in Atlanta, we got lost. No surprise there, especially since the wonderful thing called a GPS had yet to be invented. Anyways, I remember my mom turning the wrong way on a one way street, and I told her. Her response was "I don't care!!" but then she saw cars coming at her and said "Nevermind I do care!!" as she drove the car up on to the sidewalk to get out of the way. Anyways, we finally got to where we needed to be and took our spots in line. The line was REALLY long by this time (it was around 3 PM, doors were probably somewhere around 6 or 7). My mom and I were both surprised at how long the line was, but I was happy to be there.

I'll skip past the pretty much boring details of waiting in line and get on to the show. All I remember is wanting the balcony because of how short I am, and it was also my first ever General Admission concert. My mom and I got pretty decent spots in the lower balcony (there were two). I remember being very thankful I had chosen the balcony because everyone on the floor was so crowded, Hanson had to keep stopping the show and asking people to back up to allow breathing room for everyone there. I was also told about fans kicking other fans, but I didn't see that. I know a lot of fans were having to be crowd surfed to security guards to get out of the crowd. One girl came up to the balcony to stand where I was. I remember finding her very annoying because the entire show she kept slinging her long, red hair and hitting me in the face. She told me that she had been down in the crowd but had to come up to the balcony because she got so over heated that she started throwing up. I also remember some girl threw her bra on stage, Zac got pissed, and kicked it off the stage. Other than that, all I really remember about the show is my mom asking me if I wanted a t-shirt or something else (merch wise) and I chose the t-shirt. I still have the t-shirt to this day. I haven't worn it many times, but I don't know that I'd ever want to just get rid of it.

My next concert was not until October 8, 2007. I went to that concert with my step sister. I also saw a couple people from school there. It was a fun concert, but she was only going just to say she went to a Hanson concert because she liked them as a kid. It's almost as if for her, Hanson did a reunion tour, it was a one time thing, and she went just to relive the memories. But she's content with that, so I really do not care. I had a great time, and that was definitely not the last time I went to a Hanson concert. Since then, I've continued to go to plenty more shows thanks to meeting an amazing group of friends that gradually gets bigger and bigger. I couldn't ask for a better group of friends! Most of them have all been to way more shows than I (I've been to a total of 15 and also took part in the Thinking 'Bout Somethin' video shoot), but we all still have a great time together each time. I don't plan to make an entry for every show that has since followed, but I will make entries for my most 3 recent shows: Charlotte, Burlington, and Toronto. Those entries will follow "soon." Well, hopefully soon instead of "soon."